Be a Part of Our History - Sponsor Us

Make TV. Make Money. Make History.

With the new year comes new and exciting locales TTH will be traveling to and teaching our viewers about. Quality educational programming is costly, and the show needs corporate help in order to continue producing episodes.

In 2013, Red 5 Creative with the help of our syndicator, TVS Syndication Company, will have TTH in syndication across the US in over 100 DMA's with millions of viewers, including some international markets. TTH is also available to schools on DVD via an exclusive deal with Landmark Media

Currently, the first 13 episodes are airing on the MeTV network, broadcasting to millions in 85% of the country. With seven new episodes being taped in 2013, there is a tremendous opportunity to have your company help shape the show, and get in front of those millions.

Perfect candidates for sponsorship are organizations centered around travel, hospitality, tourism, history, education and teen/kids products.

  • Tourism Boards
  • Hotel Chains
  • Transportation Companies
  • Museums and Attractions
  • Teen and Kid products
What Sponsoring Travel Thru History Offers
  • US national syndication, with broadcast to no less than 65% of the country on major networks (i.e. ABC, FOX, CW) including all major markets i.e. New York, LA, Boston, Philadelphia etc.
  • Access to the teen television viewing market and their parents. TTH viewers are active history and travel lovers 10-16 years old, with a secondary market of age 30-65 parents.
  • 2 broadcasts of each episode for one year.
  • A very active social media campaign including thousands of facebook and twitter followers.
    • Live twitter interaction during episode airings.
    • Constant interaction with fans on facebook via trivia and giveaways.
    • Sponsor listing on our YouTube page.
  • Web ad placement on the TTH main site with thousands of hits per week.
Contact us at to get involved or call 407-489-3037.

It Begins Again...

12-29-12 is the final episode of TTH's first season.  San Antonio makes its debut.

We hope you enjoyed the series, and hope you guys will continue to watch the episodes you may have missed.  In 2013, they'll be more episodes. As always, feel free to comment on our facebook page. We'll of course be live tweeting trivia about each episode @thruhistory.

Have a great New Year's Eve from the crew of Travel Thru History.

The TTH Season Continues...Where to?

The producers of the show are currently figuring out where to spend our precious time for seven new episodes. Here's some ideas.  

Feel free to make suggestions.

New York
Los Angeles
New Orleans
San Francisco

The only requirement is that there are 3-5 historical attractions to visit while we're there. 

Email us at

Music for San Antonio Episode by SJ

Acoustic Soul recording artist, "SJ" lent special acoustic tracks of his hit songs to us for use on Travel Thru History for our San Antonio episode. Visit for a free download of the single "Coffee," featured in the show. Below is a special acoustic version of "That is All," also on the show.

Join our new blog!

The Travel Thru History show has a new blog. Here we'll be posting more information about the locations featured in our episodes. Stay tuned for more exciting new content.